$40.00 USD

Every month

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Shanna Hughes Terms & Conditions

Yoga Therapy: Yoga teachers and yoga therapists are not qualified to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Shanna does not make any guarantees if yoga therapy will be effective for any condition or individual.

Liability disclaimer: I (the Client) acknowledge that I take full responsibility for my health during and after yoga classes and yoga therapy sessions. I will ask for assistance from the teacher/therapist if I experience pain or am unsure how to ease discomfort. I will inform my teacher/therapist of any medical changes before each class or therapy session. I will take full responsibility if I become injured or unwell as a result or perceived result of participating in yoga or therapy sessions, either during or after class/therapy session or if performing yoga/therapy at home
between sessions whether or not the actions leading to injury or ill health was recommended by the teacher/therapist.

Cancellation Policy: When you book an appointment, be aware that you are occupying space in a schedule. If you miss an appointment without notice, someone else could have been scheduled in your place. Shanna reserves the right to charge the full fee or a partial fee for missed appointments without notice. This will be charged to the card on file or invoiced.

Shanna understands that chronic health conditions can be unpredictable. If
you have to miss an appointment, please email [email protected] or
call/text Shanna at 310-498-4706 as soon as you know you will be unable to attend
the session. If your session was pre-paid, you will receive a full refund if your session is canceled by Shanna.

Online classes: Online classes are taught via live stream on Zoom. Shanna is not responsible for any technical issues such as connection issues, poor audio, or poor video. Contact Shanna at [email protected] if you have any issues with your Zoom class
experience. Please take personal responsibility while using these recordings.

The content in these recordings does not replace professional medical advice
and treatment. Please seek advice from your GP or medical healthcare provider prior to using these recordings if you have any existing health condition, or are pregnant or trying to conceive, or if you develop a new condition during the use of these recordings. The owner takes no
responsibility for any injury or other consequence caused by doing these
recordings or appearing to be caused by them or from following any advice
given in these recordings.

Video recordings and handouts: All materials created and shared by Shanna are for your personal use only. You may not share them with anyone else. However, if someone who lives with you wishes to use the recordings and handouts too, they are welcome to do so at no extra charge.
Please take personal responsibility while using these recordings. The content in these recordings does not replace professional medical advice and treatment. Please seek advice from your GP or medical healthcare provider prior to using these recordings if you have any existing health condition, or are pregnant or trying to conceive, or if you develop a new
condition during the use of these recordings. The owner takes no
responsibility for any injury or other consequence caused by doing these
recordings or appearing to be caused by them or from following any advice given in these recordings.

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Meditation Hub: Monthly Access

Enjoy subscription access to the ClassHub, Shanna Hughes' growing collection of prerecorded yoga classes. This offering includes a detailed Introduction to Yoga and prerecorded classes divided into two groups: Gentle Healing Mat Yoga and Breath Centered Chair Yoga.

What People Are Saying:

I have practiced yoga with numerous teachers over the last 15 years. I can truthfully say that Shanna has been a unique inspiration. Her kindness and devotion to her students is a joy and a blessing. I have learned to breathe into my stress and feel it slip away. I have been known to tell the guys in the Post office line to “breathe deeply”. They do, and are amazed that it really works!!

Evelyn Cronin

Due to an accident, I am now forced to live my life in a wheelchair. I want to be healthy and fit, but have limited mobility. I cherish the day Shanna Hughes came into my life with her Chair Yoga class. Shanna guides her students through proper breathing, stretching, strengthening muscles and helping the mind and body to feel centered and at peace. She uses the appealing tone of her voice to guide her students through a variety of exercises. There is no shame if we can’t perform and she uses humor to encourage us to enjoy our experience with her. It works. I feel stronger. I feel more confident. I feel more empowered. Thank you Shanna.


I find that Shanna’s utilization of music, poetry and stories blend very nicely into a relaxing physical workout when combined with her extensive yoga exercises. She has an aura and personality that makes the entire session a pleasing and rewarding experience.

Doug Grant

Shanna has always structured the practice to adjust to the needs of the participants and provided options for beginners to the more advanced students. She would always begin the class by asking what the particular needs of the day are, depending on any aches or pains present, and would work suitable poses into the practice to address these needs. I have always enjoyed her classes because they provide both challenges and relaxation in a pleasant and non-judgmental atmosphere. Shanna shares her knowledge of Eastern philosophy and poetry and her gentle, soothing voices puts one at ease. I feel that I have benefited greatly both physically and mentally from my yoga practice under Shanna’s direction.

Peggy Kharraz